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Read all about the great work The Impact report from Lord's Taverners has been released. You can read all about the great work being don...
Cricket Journey of a life time - Kenya Coaching cricket for nearly two decades at times can feel like people do not appreciate what you p...
Available now ECB have provided the cricketing community with a new range of online safeguarding courses relevant to the many roles that...
AK11 Winners On Sunday 5th Feburuary 2023, AK11 created history by becoming the Huntingdonshire Indoor League Champions for the first tim...
Female Umpire Conference 2023 The ECB is organising a first of its kind, free national conference for female umpires on: Date: Saturda...
Now open The County Grants Fund aims to support affiliated cricket clubs to create welcoming environments, provide enhanced facilities a...
Coaches off to make a difference Abid On the 11th February, Chance to Shine Street coach and Queens Park CC stalwart, Abid Hussain, will...
Scheme returns for Cricket Clubs Sport England’s Small Grants Programme is back for cricket clubs to apply to – with awards of up to ...
New Hub comes to Luton Great news for Luton and for children with Special Needs and/or Disabilities Date: Starting Friday 20th January...
For Community Cricket Clubs We are pleased to be able to share with you that the BFI (British Film Institute) and ECB have partnered to p...
Sun 6th April - 10:00am
Wed 16th April - 6:00pm