Over 1,800 clubs already registered
Following the launch of the Cricket World Cup Clubs programme in November 2018, there has been an overwhelming amount of clubs registering to become a World Cup Club this year, with over 1,800 clubs nationally already signed up.
In case you missed it, we’re inviting clubs across Bedfordshire and Huntingdonshire to become a Cricket World Cup Club and ‘be part of the World's Greatest Cricket Celebration’. Put on a family day at your club and engage a new audience through the excitement of the Cricket World Cup. For registering your club, your Cricket World Cup Champion will receive a CWC polo among other benefits.
Cricket World Cup Club Fund
In support of the programme, your club could receive a £1,000 grant to fund a project to digitise your clubhouse or improve catering facilities to enhance the Cricket World Cup experience at your club! The fund is only available to the first 2000 affiliated clubs that apply so be fast. Click HERE to view the eligibility criteria.
You have until the 1 March to get your applications completed.
Steps to take:
1. Register your club to become a Cricket World Cup Club
2. Organise your Club Fund application
3. Start planning your events
Keep an eye out for several exciting opportunities over the next couple of months to make sure your club doesn't miss out on the biggest cricket celebration England and Wales has ever seen.
To register your club, or for more information, please click HERE.