Play allowed to continue in Luton...
Please see below a statement from Luton Borough Council’s Public Health team. With this news, the Borough of Luton can return to Step 4 of the ECB’s Roadmap for Recreational Cricket. The Roadmap, as well as the ECB’s Guidance on Return to Cricket are attached below
Please remain vigilant and take extra care in ensuring this guidance is adhered to within your clubs/leagues by all players, coaches, and officials.
Thanks for your patience whilst we worked through this difficult period. Cricket East have been working as closely as possible with the Council and Team Beds & Luton our local County Sports Partnership to keep you all as informed as possible.
Kind Regards,
Dear all
As you will all be aware, today Luton will be removed as an area of intervention in the fight against Covid-19. This means that the restrictions on leisure centres and gyms reopening has been lifted. As part of the control measures that we put in place, the number of tests available was more than doubled. We don’t have all of these results in yet, so we are keeping the local recommendations, in order to Protect Luton. These include:
Local guidance is as follows:
• keep a 2 metre distance from people from outside of your household at all times
• continue to wash your hands regularly
• wear a face covering in all enclosed public spaces where it is difficult to keep 2 metres apart
• not make social visits to other people’s homes or private gardens - if meeting up with others socially, do so outside in an open space or park. This only refers to social visits, not for caring or work responsibilities
• not meet in large groups – groups should not exceed a max of 6 people (unless they live in the same house)
For our sports clubs, where there is guidance provided by the respective governing body, these guidelines can be amended as follows:
• Adhering to the guidance provided by your respective governing bodies that has been agreed and approved by the DCMS
• Maintaining social distancing of 2m, except in competitive play
• Groups of no more than 30, including officials and spectators
The amendments recognise the importance of physical activity for both physical and mental wellbeing, where it can be offered in a COVID-secure setting.