Bedfordshire and Huntingdonshire U13 Girls meet in the first match of the season!
Match Report by Jenni Douglass U13 Girls Manager
"The Bedfordshire U13 Girls team started their 2019 season with a mini-tournament against Hunts U13 Girls. As we had 13 girls available and Hunts had 17, the coaches agreed to split them into three teams of 10 - one Beds, one Hunts and a mixed team the girls named ‘Hubs’ - and play 3xT15 matches.
"Beds won both their matches while Hunts won one match. This was only the second (and third!) time the Beds U13 Girls have won a County match.
"The day was played in wonderful spirit by all girls, particularly by those who were in the combined team, and all girls contributed either with bat or ball.
"Highlights of the day were:
"Congratulations to all girls for a fantastic start to the season."