Following various meetings held with cricket partners in the winter, including representatives of Luton clubs, leagues and other organisations involved in cricket, several possible sites in the Luton parks were identified where the cricket community felt there could be opportunities created to play through the provision of non-turf pitches.
In addition, the need for practice nets was identified as an urgent priority for cricket in the town. These various sites have been investigated to ensure they would be suitable for cricket to be played and non-turf pitches installed, and the grounds at Upper and Lower Wardown Park were identified as the most suitable and secure sites which could provide community access to practice nets if the application for funding is successful.
Luton Borough Council has invited all the ECB approved non-turf pitch/practice nets suppliers to provide full quotations for the pitches and nets to be supplied and installed. Potential suppliers have all been busy visiting the various park sites and carrying out site surveys across Luton. They will be submitting their tender quotations shortly and hopefully a potential supplier will be selected in early May. A funding application will then be progressed with the ECB.
The non-turf pitches and practice nets construction is likely to commence in autumn to avoid disrupting teams and leagues playing on the existing grass wickets while the cricket season is on.