Cricket East welcomes Shaz Khan and Mary Robinson...
Cricket East are delighted to welcome two new members of staff!
Shaz Khan
Shaz is joining us as Head of Talent Pathway and will be overseeing both the boys’ and girls’ pathways as well as the EPP and Hotshots. Shaz joins us from Buckinghamshire Cricket where he was the Urban & Disability Manager and Women & Girls pathway coach and EPP Coach. He has international coaching experience with the Norwegian team.
Shaz can be contacted via should you have any enquiries relating to Performance Cricket.
Mary Robinson
Mary joins us on 19th April as the County Safeguarding Officer. Her role takes over from the volunteer County Safeguarding Officers to whom we owe huge thanks for their work over the years. Mary brings with her a wealth of experience as a retired Detective Sergeant with Bedfordshire Police having specialised in Safeguarding and Child Protection.
Mary plans to work closely with club safeguarding officers, and will no doubt be in touch over the coming months through the 2022 season and beyond.
Marys details can be found in the Safeguarding section of the website