As part of the merger of St Ives Town & Warboys Cricket Club, the club has celebrated through the provision of free caps for all its 100 junior cricketers across its two sites.
The timing was particularly relevant with the caps being given out during Mental Health Awareness Week, at a time when the club is establishing links with the charity ‘CALM’ – Campaign Against Living Miserably.
The club is fully supportive of such initiatives believing that sport can be of great help in the prevention of such health issues and in the supporting of people who are going through difficult times.
So what is CALM?
CALM is the Campaign Against Living Miserably, and they are leading a movement against suicide, the single biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK. Every day in the UK 12 men take their own lives.
St Ives is standing with CALM to create the country's first CALMtown.
Their vision is to shape a community where nobody needs to struggle with mental health on their own and that there is always someone to talk to or a place to go.
You can sign up for the latest information by emailing and follow them on Facebook. CALM's helpline is 0800 585858 or webchat at and are open from 5pm to midnight every day.
St Ives & Warboys Town Cricket Club would also like to thank Angela at Another Planet for her help in organising these caps and assisting with the tie up with CALM.