Cricket East has been running teacher Continuing Professional Development (CPD) at schools across Bedfordshire and Huntingdonshire.
In February, as part of the Chance to Shine Programme, teachers at Priory Primary School in Bedford were upskilled to deliver cricket to their students, looking at cross-curricular activities and how they can be used in different sessions. And more recently, at Arthur Mellows Village College in Peterborough, 10 teachers took part from several local schools, learning some of the games and activities that form part of the Chance to Shine programme (as found on the Chance to Shine Teachers Portal).
Cricket East also delivered teacher CPD (but not as part of the Chance to Shine Programme) in February at Bedford Modern School for independent school teachers to upskill them for the coming cricket season. With a recent curriculum GCSE shift from rounders to cricket, this was an excellent opportunity to showcase some games and activities giving the teachers more confidence to deliver cricket to their pupils. A BMS spokesperson said: “It was great to have Cricket East with us today, working with the girls’ sports coaches from BMS and other local schools. They worked on batting and bowling techniques and how to pass this on to students.”
Pictured: Session delivered at BMS