Gets off to a great start!
Cricket was the latest sport to get the ‘walking’ treatment when Cricket East, in partnership with Fusion Lifestyle, launched its first Walking Cricket sessions on Monday 21 January with 10 men and 6 ladies trying a format with a more leisurely pace!
These adapted indoor sessions, among the first in the country, are for men and women aged 50 and over both experienced and beginners and take place on MONDAYS 11.30am-1pm at John Bunyan Sports & Fitness Centre, Bedford at a cost of £3 per session.
One participant commented: "It was a good opportunity to get out, practice a few skills and have some fun!"
See the Walking Cricket sessions getting off to a great start when Anglia News paid a visit - go to:
You can download a flyer by clicking on the link below. For further details, contact Will Sneath on 07884 070103 or email
Picture above credit: ITV News Anglia