Three ladies that have been attending the indoor Women’s Soft Ball Cricket sessions in Luton since they started last October have been inspired to become cricket coaches!
They are currently undertaking the ECB Certificate in Coaching Children's Cricket Level 2 coaching courses in Bedford and Luton. Meeta, Samina and Meera talk about their experiences and what they hope to do once they are qualified coaches.
“I am really enjoying the course as it has allowed me to learn so much more about the game. I was anxious about starting it, as I was likely to be the only female! However, I am not the only female and the guys on the course have been brilliant and very supportive. The course tutors are great and perceptive to my needs. I am hoping with the qualification I will be able to help with promoting women's cricket within Luton but also help the club with supporting the girls’ coach.” - Meeta
“The course has been an excellent experience. I have thoroughly enjoyed the practical sessions and have learned a great deal about coaching tools practices and core principles. I am currently taking part in coaching girls only cricket, also sessions with children age 6+. After I qualify, I intend to focus on coaching children and ladies. I will try to encourage more females to get involved in cricket.” - Samina
“A great experience and time challenging but definitely worth it! It’s been fun and enjoyable to learn the ‘theory’ while doing the course/sessions and then exciting to be able to deliver the supported practice sessions once planned. The best bits for me have been seeing how much potential we all have regardless of age, gender, ability, etc. I found the course to be very inclusive and everyone’s gaining by learning more about cricket and themselves. Once qualified, I hope to be able to coach young girls and adults in Luton especially with the World Cup approaching and encourage more female participation and interest among the community.” - Meera