Congratulations to the 53 leaders from across the Cricket East area (22 cricket clubs were represented) who participated in the Young Leaders in Cricket programme this year.
On Monday 8 October the Young Leaders were invited to a special presentation evening at Lord’s where they received their certificates.
The Young Leaders collectively volunteered 1,397.75 hours in their local communities and raised £2,047.93 to be ploughed back into the programme for next year and donated towards chosen charity CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young).
The Young Leaders in Cricket Programme provides an opportunity for young people between the ages of 14 and 16 to acquire skills and competency in leadership that will allow them to volunteer within their local cricket community at their cricket club and/or school.
Details of the 2019 Young Leaders in Cricket programme will be available early next year and will be posted on our website.
Pictured: Young Leaders from Bedfordshire Cricket Clubs including Bedford and Flitwick with their certificates, with (back row 4th in L-R) Matt Floyd (Sky Sports), Neil Bainton (ECB Umpire), Nick Pryde (ECB Head of National Programmes, Participation and Growth) and Harry Podmore, current player for Kent County Cricket Club