The England and Wales Cricket Board (the ECB) is responsible for the governance of cricket in England and Wales. This ECB Anti-Discrimination Code (the Code) is part of the ECB’s continuing efforts to maintain the integrity, diversity and inclusivity of cricket.
The ECB aims to create an environment within cricket in England and Wales in which no individual, group or organisation experiences discrimination or acts in a discriminatory manner on the basis of a Protected Characteristic (as defined in the Equality Act 2010 from time to time – which at the time of writing are age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation).
This Code therefore sets out discriminatory behaviour which, when carried out by a participant who is required to comply with it, will be a breach of the Code and may be sanctioned accordingly.
All Participants (as defined below) agree by virtue of their involvement in cricket in England and Wales to be bound by this Code and submit to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the relevant body which applies to them.
All County Cricket Boards, First Class Counties, Regional Hosts, the National Counties, leagues, clubs and other organisations under the jurisdiction of the ECB or its Members must adopt and enforce the Code.
Participants who are party to an ECB agreement and/or in receipt of ECB funding may be obliged, as a condition of those agreements or funding, to comply with or adopt the Code and/or enforce the provisions of the Code through their own processes.
The Code may be amended from time to time by the ECB in its sole discretion, with such amendments coming into effect on the date specified by the ECB.
The full document can be read below in PDF form.