Hotshots – Sign Up Process
A Step by Step to signing up for Hotshots!
1. Invitation to join Spond, via the Hotshots Boys, or Hotshots Girls Group, via email or text using a code, or click the link below to join the group!
Hotshots Boys Spond Sign-up Link – Click Here!
Hotshots Girls Spond Sign-up Link – Click Here
2. Once you’ve signed up to Spond – follow the links below to book your child’s place on courses
Hotshots Boys
Hotshots Girls
3. We will follow up after you’ve reserved your space on the hub of your choice, with a payment link. Parents can pay in full (£100) or via 4 monthly instalments of £25.
If parents need to apply for financial hardship, they can do so via the following link
Cricket East will then review each case independently and explore ways to support when possible.
4. We will allocate parents into Spond groups, depending on which hub they have signed up for and these groups will be how we communicate with parents leading up to Hubs beginning in early 2025.
If you have any questions, email Sam Rose via