For cricket clubs looking to grow or start a girls’ section, a Dynamos Programme could be hugely beneficial in this process, and there is the option for the programme to be set up exclusively for girls.
Complementing your existing junior cricket programmes, Dynamos can provide girls with a more social offer, focused on developing fundamental movement skills and applying them in an exciting game of countdown cricket, with soft balls and light wooden bats.
The programme would entail eight 60 – 90 minute sessions, held over eight weeks. Once set up, Dynamos is a safe and fully accredited programme, with easy online registration. It also recognises the important of participants looking like the heroes of the game, so every girl who registers will receive their very own Dynamos Cricket New Balance t-shirt, personalised with their name and number.
In order to run a Dynamos Programme, Cricket East would support your club to train up activators for free. A less time consuming and intensive process than it would be qualifying as a cricket coach, the participants would complete the below:
– Online Webinar (approx. 1 hour)
– Face to Face Training (approx. 2 hours)
– Online Training Module (approx. 1 hour)
For further information on the Dynamos Programme, please visit the ECB website.
If your club are interested in setting up a Girls Only Dynamos, or looking ahead to future years, please get in touch with:
Damianne Redpath
Participation & Growth Manager - Women and Girls Cricket
Mobile: 07392 085791
Will Sneath
Participation & Growth Manager - Clubs & Leagues
Mobile: 07884 070103